Registration on TON Using Etherscan

Bridge ERC-20 to TON

This guide is based on the contract address and amount supplied. Take this guide as a reference and type in the exact numbers and address as told.

Contract Address

  • Token: ORC (0x662b67d00a13faf93254714dd601f5ed49ef2f51)

  • Vault address : 0x1bf68a9d1eaee7826b3593c20a0ca93293cb489a

▶ STEP 1

ERC-20 Token approval Process

  1. Open the chrome browser.

  2. Go to ""

  3. Search by your [Token contract]

  4. Click the 'Contract' tab. Click the 'Write Contract' tab.

  5. Click 'Connect to Web3' button.

  6. Connect to your wallet.

  7. Click the ‘1. approve' row.

  8. Fill the accurate value to column. (1). _spender (address): 0x1bf68a9d1eaee7826b3593c20a0ca93293cb489a (2). _value (uint256): uint256 max - 1 (Maximum value) or Quantity to bridge

  9. Click the 'Write' button.

▶ STEP 2

depositToken Implement Process

  1. Open the chrome browser.

  2. Go to ""

  3. Search by [vault address]

  4. Click the 'Contract' tab. Click the 'Write as Proxy" tab.

  5. Click 'Connect to Web3' button.

  6. Connect to your wallet.

  7. Click the '1. depositToken' row.

  8. Fill the accurate value to column. (1) depositToken : 0

    (2) token (address) : [ORC address]

    (3) toChain (string) : TON

    (4) toAddr (bytes) : [Your TON based wallet address that want to receive your token] TON based wallet has different type as we generally use for ERC20. Please refer to the scripts' hashPart for switching your address to 32byte address (5) amount (uint256) : 1 (Basically, you are sending the minimum amount to register the token, 1/10^18 since the contract is based on the standard of decimal 18)

  9. Click the 'Write' button.

Last updated